CONNECTA 2 starts the technical assistance for Gap analysis of the power transmission infrastructure in the Western Balkans

Energy security has emerged as a top priority for the Western Balkan partners. The region is making significant policy progress in the energy sector, but is facing numerous challenges to accommodate renewable energy sources in the existing infrastructure on its way to the green transition.

Through the Economic and Investment Plan and its Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, the EU has been supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy generation, as well as reinforcing energy connectivity infrastructure in the region.

Renewable energy integration has been recognized as a promising solution in the quest for sustainable energy, provided the sources can integrate into the existing grid infrastructure.

The strategic objective of the CONNECTA 2 assignment is:

  • To identify the gaps in the Western Balkan power transmission systems, which prevent the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) on a large scale, replacing the obsolete fleet of the coal-fired generation units;
  • To analyse the connectivity of the electricity transmission systems in the Western Balkans with neighbouring countries along the TEN-E networks.

Specific objectives of this assistance are to assess the status and capacities of the high voltage transmission network across the Western Balkans and identify gaps which require upgrades of the existing infrastructure to connect planned renewable generation.

By focusing on renewable energy and energy efficiency, the region will enhance its energy security and sustainability while taking significant steps towards a greener and more equitable future.

To mark the start of the CONNECTA 2 sub-project ‘Gap analysis of the power transmission infrastructure in the Western Balkans’, a kick-off meeting was held on 8 November, 2024. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Energy Community Secretariat, EU Delegations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, the EU Office in Kosovo and the CONNECTA 2 team.

Presentation – CONNECTA 2 – Gap analysis of the power transmission infrastructurein the Western Balkans


Additional information on the assignment can be obtained by contacting Ole Johansen, CONNECTA 2 Clean Energy Key Expert, at

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